The GriffinHarte Foundation
Communicating with Civility
The GriffinHarte Foundation is dedicated to supporting conversations, research, and teaching that help us live and work together with civility. Our mission is to provide people with the support they need to learn, teach, and explore how civility works in today’s complex world.

What’s new at Griffinharte Foundation
Submit to our Blogs
Civility in Polarized Times
My Feminist Thinking
Visual Representations: What Civility Looks Like
2021 Grant Recipient
Detroit Public Schools Community District’s (DPSCD) Equity Art Initiative
Participate in an Internship
Creating Civil Social Media
Apply for a Grant
The GriffinHarte Foundation, a 501c3, is pleased to accept applications for grants of up to $1,000 from individuals, agencies, or the like, who are exploring civility and the ways their efforts and research promote and contribute to our understanding of civility, civil discourses, and civil practices. Deadline for applications is December 15, 2024. You can find the application here
Supporting People
as We Explore
We are proud to support individuals and the work they do to understand and promote civility. Join us in our effort to support others as they work toward more civil exchanges. If you are looking for someone to help you do research, offer internships, or solve uncivil problems, contact us to see if we can help you make that happen.
Become a Part
of our Community
When we share our insights, ideas, and questions with others, we discover new ways of thinking and living. We welcome individuals and organizations who share our commitment to exploring the ways our identities, ways of thinking, and experiences shape us and the world around us.
A Place to Share
Our Views
We welcome civil exchanges about issues that are complex and often difficult to sort through. To find out how to submit something, or go to suggest a topic, to our “Our Voices” tab and explore the range of possiblities.
Give Today
Enhances Our Lives
Today's world is complex and intricately interconnected. Our mission is to help people communicate effectively and to understand differences rather than fight about them. Go to our "Donate" tab to find out how you can help us accomplish our mission.
Get In Touch
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