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My Feminist Thinking Essays
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My Feminist Thinking Essays
Feminism is a Mindset: Feminist is an Identity
Abby Zwier
This semester’s Feminist Theories of Discourse class has taught me a lot. The content and class discussions challenged my thinking about feminism’s role in my life, both personal and professional. My very first think piece was a reflection on feminism – what my...
My Feminist Theory
Jessica Solverud
"Feminism articulates political opposition to the subordination of women as women, whether that subordination is ascribed by law, imposed by social convention, or inflicted by individual men and women…. Feminism generally springs from each woman’s own lived...
My Feminist Journey: Falling Down the Rabbit Hole
Emily Sauter
I’m not generally a very introspective person. When I was younger I really wanted to keep a journal – I thought that was what all the great writers did – but I always gave up after a week or so. I spent last summer cleaning out my room and found half a dozen journals...
Camping in the gray area:
My feminist thinking
Lydia Reinig
I must confess that at the beginning of the semester I was in denial of my feminist identity. Yes, I had taken multiple classes during my undergraduate education in the area of Women and Gender Studies. Yes, I had presented a research paper at leading disciplinary...
My Feminist Thinking:
A Personal and Professional Commitment
Ashton Mouton
Instead of becoming another useless academic stuck in an ivory tower committed to tooting my own horn, I want to be a courageous woman, mother, and scholar committed to the voice and agency of women both in the academy and around the world. I am committed to being one...
Into the Lion’s Den: Early Forays into Feminist Thinking
Emily Moreland
When TV Azteca sports reporter Ines Sainz walked into the New York Jets’ locker room to conduct an interview with one of the team’s players in September of 2010, she did her best to ignore the sexual comments made by the players at her expense. It was only the next...
My Feminist Thinking
Katie Kethcart
As someone who considers myself relatively new to embracing and fully expressing feminist ideals, my definition of feminism is still developing as my knowledge of feminism continues to grow. At this time in my life, my definition of feminism says that every person, no...
A Way Forward
Aaron Keel
A feminist’s work is never done. It is a daily struggle and a full time job. It is acknowledging the past and finding a way forward. It is about equity vs. equality. It is about political, economic, and social justice. It is about having a fair shot; a chance to...
My Feminist Thinking
Jeremy Grossman
Many years ago a friend told me what he thought of feminism. “It’s totally contradictory, because to claim that women deserve more rights than men is equally damaging. Also, the very existence of feminism itself highlights the differences between genders that...
Feminist Thinking
Alex Coughlin
It is important for me to start this piece with a note about myself and my views on feminism. I have expanded my critical understanding of feminism, both materially and emotionally at an explosive pace over the last two years. I have been challenged, accepted,...